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Friday, April 19, 2013


Lucy, Gracie, Squiggles

 Our foster furbaby Squiggles arrived at our house two weeks ago.
She came from the Almost Home Humane Society in Lafayette, Indiana,
 the same place where we adopted Gracie and Lucy from.
She fit right in.
Squiggles is about 8 years old.
She must have had a family at one time, because she is very well mannered.
But I guess, they did not want her anymore.
Taking three of them for a walk is a lot of fun.
I hope someone will see what a sweet dog she is and adopt her.
She deserves a loving forever home.
* * *
We are going on a big trip soon.
Can't wait.
Will tell you more later.
Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Ah, what a sweetie! We've a houseful or I would come and meet her myself! I hope she gets a loving forever home soon.

  2. You have a good heart. My sweet Willie is a rescue. I do hope she finds a home soon.

  3. love that pup, what a cutie.it doesn't look very big(6-8lbs) and a non shedding pooch.

  4. hallo heidi,
    der zuwachs ist war wirklich süss! ich hoffe, dass er ein gutes zuhause findet - er hat es verdient!
    alles liebe

  5. So cute. Thanks to you for taking care of our dear friends.
    They must be someone out there who will give her a good new home.
    Greetings from Norway

  6. My heart is singing looking at the three of them! It is such a wonderful thing, all that you are doing for these sweethearts. I'm sure she will find a home soon, she is beautiful!

  7. What a great addition to your home....cute cute! Heidi

  8. So schön liebe Heidi, das Du dir Zeit nimmst für diese süssen Hundis :-) ich hoffe sie finden bald ein neues Zuhause.

    Herzliche Grüsse und schönen Sonntag

  9. Ich wünsch euch alles,alles Gute ,das ein kuscheliges zu Hause gefunden wird,das haben sie verdient.
    Das Trio ist zuckersüß ;0).
    Ich wünsch dir einen gemütlichen Sonntag.
    Liebe Grüße,Ulli

  10. Heidi,
    How nice of you to take these dogs and give them a home. They must have so much fun on your walks together.

    Have a happy week.


  11. Hi Heidi. Glad to see you are well. Love that you are happy and fostering a new furbaby. Love you always.

  12. Liebe Grüße aus der Walpurgisnacht vom Stadthexerl Ursula ♥

  13. Aah....Heidi, so lovely to stop by here and find you have another gorgeous dog in the house...I hope someone adopts Squiggles soon too, but you are great for taking her in and giving her a home and new friends in the meantime...maybe you'll keep her?

  14. kreisch sind die süss♥♥♥
    squiggles...was für ein toller name!!!


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