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Saturday, July 7, 2012


 Along Lakeshore Drive

 I want one of those

Lakeshore Drive

Riverfront (a little blurry, a drive-by shot) 

Celebrating Father's Day 

I hope you enjoy the pics from our recent trip to Chicago. There is always so much going on. I love the different neighbor hoods; so much to explore there. A fantastic city. If you have never been there, you might want to plan a visit.

We are still having a heat wave with temps in the 100's. AC and fans are almost running constantly.

My current summer read: The Shoemaker's Wife by Adriana Trigiani. I have read all of her books and can only recommend them.

Great new blog I love, Chrige's Art, check it out.

Enjoy your weekend!
An easy way to get around in Chicago.


  1. Heidi, Steelroots artist, Steve Tobin, lives very close to me. Coopersburg is about 15 mins away!! Thanks for sharing.

    1. That's amazing Ginny. I love his work...It's a small world.:)

  2. Heidi, Chicago is one of my favorite cities. The Chicago Art Institute is a favorite. I do hope I get to go this summer for a couple of days. I always love to see what you are reading. Bonnie

  3. Lovely photos, Heidi. I have never visited the US, but a dear friend's grand daughter is transferring to Chicago shortly. I can't wait to tell her how pretty it looks.

  4. A fun place to play.The "Taste of Chicago" is just getting over, a fun time when I have visited.

  5. Great pictures.....this is on my list....

  6. Lovely pictures Heidi. Looks like you are enjoying some warm weather. It is winter time where I live and it is very cold! Regards, Nessie

  7. So schön deine Bilder von Chicago liebe Heidi. Eine für mich fremde Welt und deshalb umso interessanter.

    Herzliche Grüsse

  8. I want one of those, too !!!

    Liebe Heidi,
    Deine Fotos sind so toll und geben einem 'a little glimpse' von Deiner wundervollen Nachbarschaft.
    Meine Jüngste wird nun, nach dem sie ihr Abitur bestanden hat (bin-so-stolz), mit ihrem Papa, nach New York und dann noch nach Californien fliegen. Ich beneide sie wirklich sehr um diese Reise ;)

    Ich wünsche Dir einen wundervollen Sonntag
    liebe Grüße

  9. liebe heidi,
    das ist eine sehr interessante stadt. ich kenn sie nur vom lesen oder tv! das natur-museum muss toll gewesen sein, wie deine bilder zeigen!
    ganz liebe sonntagsgrüße sendet dir

  10. Hi Heidi,
    Your pictures are looking great. I've never been to Chicago but my daughter went there last year for a holiday and absolutely loved it.
    There are so many parts of the States I would love to visit - but it is quite a long way from Scotland, lol.

  11. Great pictures! The truth is Chicago doesn't get as much exposure as other major American cities, so thank you for this post!
    Happy Sunday! ;)

  12. Wonderful impression from your trip to Chicago.

    Because I'm living in the Netherlands I enjoy Chicago through your eyes and pics.

    Hugs from Holland,

  13. Hi Heidi ,

    your clicks consoles me a lot Dear!!!

    Thanks for Sharing..

    Keep on Dear...

  14. Hi Heidi,
    thanks for inviting us to this wonderful trip to Chicago! Wonderful pictures!
    Also the museum must have been very interesting!

    Have a great and happy week,
    love and hugs,

  15. H, Nice visit to Chi Town. Stay cool. Love, A

  16. I'd have thought you'd want one of the boats too, not just the bike.

    Lovely pics, so much blue sky! None of that round here. Just as well you went to live in the US not the UK.

  17. Ich war noch nie in Amerika ,kenne Chigao nur von Fotos her....tolle Bilder ,danke dir fürs zeigen !
    Es muss sicher eine fantastische Stadt sein,gell !
    Liebe Grüsse aus der so heissen Schweiz

  18. Hallo Heidi
    habe gerade ausgerechnet wie lange es her ist, seit ich einmal in Chicago war ... und stell dir vor ich bin auf ca. 35 Jahre gekommen.
    Meiner Erinnerungen sind schon ziemlich verblasst ...merci für die kleine Auffrischung ; )
    ♥-liche Grüsse Brigitte

  19. what a sweet tour of Chicago!
    I LOVE my scooter a LOT!
    (Hint, look at the Yamaha Zuma. Get a better scoot and SAVE big!

    Wishing YOU Aloha, from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral
    > < } } ( ° >

    > < } } (°>

  20. It looks like you had a wonderful time in Chicago! It looks like a really fun city.

    Hope you're having a great weekend filled with lots of cool drinks!

  21. Well you certainly captured the beauty to be found in the windy city of Chicago. What a gorgeous day. I want one of those scooter also...

  22. Hallo Heidi,

    Och manno, ich WILL da SOFORT auch hin... *lach*

    Superschöne Fotos!

    Liebe Grüsse



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