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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I have been challenged...

...by my friend Anna to tell you five random facts about myself. First I thought, that would be an easy task. But as I started to think about what these facts could be, I realized it is much harder than I thought. What have I not told you yet? Hmmm, lots of thinking involved, but here it goes:

1. I am an animal rights activist. Those of you who are also my friends on Facebook might have guessed so. Let me just say, this is very important to me.

2. I am a Gemini. This little quote about Geminis says it all: People seek you out for every answer in the book. Lucky you, you wrote that book - or at least you know exactly where to find what it is they're looking for.

3. I am left handed, except for writing.

4. The first six years of school in Germany, I went to catholic school. And back then, I was not allowed to write with my left hand, I was forced to use my right hand. So now I do everything with my left hand, except writing.

5. I seem to have a bit of a green thumb. My indoor and outdoor plants are thriving. I still have a Poinsettia plant from last year.

I would like to challenge SheriBonnie , Cloudia , Claudia , and Fiona to do the same.

Looking forward to your answers.


  1. Some fun answers for the questions, always nice to know you better.

  2. It was fun to get to know a little bit more about you..what is your secret with the poinsettia's, mine are lucky to make it a few months past Christmas really.

  3. This was fun getting to know you better.....

  4. Loved reading about you!

    My brother was left handed too
    and went to a catholic school
    where he was made to use his right hand
    for writing - silly stuff!

    Great to hear about your poinsettia (took me a while to spell that properly)!!!!!!
    I love those plants especially at Christmas

    Lovely challenge.
    Will follow up at the weekend if that is ok
    as working today and tomorrow.

    Thanks for thinking of me
    now I have to get my thinking cap on!

    Have a lovely day

    x Fiona

  5. Heidi, A challenge! I am thinking about my random facts. I will post soon. Bonnie

  6. It is wonderful hearing more about you. I especially love #1! :) And that is crazy you were not allowed to write with your left hand!

    Hope you have a great weekend! It's still rainy here in Vancouver but hopefully the sun will come out soon. :)

  7. Liebe Heidi
    Ein toller Post! Schön, aus Deinem Leben zu erfahren. Was..... Du hast noch einen Weihnachtsstern vom vergangenen Jahr?! Soooo schön!
    Vielen Dank auch für all Deine lieben Kommentare auf meinem Blog.
    Ich wünsche Dir ein wunderschönes Wochenende und sende liebste Grüsse aus der verregneten Schweiz. Herzlichst Yvonne

  8. Hi Heidi!
    Found you through the Lovely blooming years blog..
    Soo loved your beautiful rose post..
    I too am passionate about animal welfare, I some times cannot comprehend how poorly we treat animals, any ways great to find you!
    Maria x

  9. Liebe Heidi
    abe es gerade oben bei Yvonne gelesen, ich verstehe kein englisch,lach...einen Weihnachstern vom letzten jahr,wahnsinn ,du hast ihn sicher super gepflegt,gell !!
    Ich danke dir für dein Feedback zu meinen Rotschwänzchen !
    Ein tolles Wochenende
    wünscht dir

  10. My husband is a Gemini too, and I am also Catholic. It is good to get to know you better. Thank you for visiting our Paris post today.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  11. Always nice to learn things about people. I am left handed too but was never made to write with my right hand - thank goodness!!! It's funny both myself and my husband are left handed but our three children are right handed.

  12. Hallo,
    Ich war auch Linkshänder, bin auch in der Schule damals gezwungen worden, rechts zu schreiben, bin Naturschützer und ein Grüner. Meine Frau und ich haben einen grossen Garten. Eine Heidi in Amerika, lustig. Ich grüsse Dich. Ernst

  13. We have a lot in common, except the left-handedness and the animal rights activism. I just like animals and treat them well. I went to a catholic school in Germany, I am a Gemini (happy birthday coming up to both of us) and I have a large garden which I cultivate with my very green thumbs.

  14. Liebe Heidi,
    gleich nach Deinem Besuch auf meinem Blog, bin ich...schwups...hier gelandet...
    Ich möchte mich ganz herzlich für Deine lieben Worte, die Du für mich hinterlassen hast, bedanken.
    Es ist schön, etwas mehr hinter einen Namen schauen zu dürfen.
    Ich werde mir keinen Eintrag mehr entgehen lassen und gehöre nun auch zu Deiner Leserfamilie.
    Wünsche Dir ein fröhliches und sonniges Wochenende.
    Ivonne by Glückskicks

  15. Heidi, thank you for telling us these details about yourself!

    Yes, I've come to know you are very interested in the well being of animals, and I think it's absolutely wonderful. I, too, get so frustrated and angry every time I hear about animals that are treated poorly. As you know, our two dogs are more of children to us than they are pets. :)

    Have a great weekend!

  16. H,
    I can write with both hands. Better with my right, and I could teach you to write with your other hand. Ha.

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