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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Homemade Yogurt

Last year I became interested in making my own yogurt. We always went to Trader's Point Creamery to purchase their yogurt, so I wanted to try and make my own. Just like Trader's Point, I want a yogurt free of preservatives and other unnecessary additives. I also started to like greek yogurt, so I began researching, purchased a yogurt maker, and came up with the following:
  • You will need a high sided saucepan, a pitcher, and a whisk.
  • These utensils need to be thoroughly washed with warm water and soap and dry before you start.
  • To make yogurt, pour 7 glass jars (equal to 1.3 liter or 42oz) of fresh, pasteurized milk (it can be whole milk, skimmed, semi-skimmed, or soy milk) into the high-sided saucepan.
  • Heat the milk to 180F/82C or until it boils and starts to climb the side of the saucepan, do not over-boil.
  • Remove the saucepan from heat and allow the milk to cool to lukewarm (43C or 110F). To speed up the cooling down process, place the saucepan in cold water.
  • Stir in one glass jar (equal to 170g or 6 oz) of plain yogurt with live active culture, with 16oz of the lukewarm milk in a separate bowl until the yogurt is dissolved and you have a smooth mixture. Then empty the contents back into the rest of the lukewarm milk and mix well. (The plain yogurt can be either purchased from a store or from a previous batch of homemade yogurt. I bought the first one, but now always use my own.
  • Pour the mixture into the seven jars of the yogurt maker.
  • Place the jars, without the lids, in the yogurt maker.
  • Cover the yogurt maker with its clear cover and follow the timing instructions.
  • It takes 7 hours to make yogurt with whole milk.
  • Cover the jars with the lids and store in the fridge.
  • You may choose to add any flavorings. I like adding either a teaspoon of honey or a few drops of rose water just before I eat it.
Have a wonderful weekend and for those of us on Spring Break, enjoy!


    1. Thank you, Heidi! I must try this myself! I think I'll show this to my husband to see if it is different to what they made at school. Should be interesting! :)

    2. Bet it tastes better than anything you can buy ready made, too!

    3. Yogurt maker ? I will try without this gadget. Maybe it will last longer ... Thanks !

    4. I like natural yogurt. Happy Sunday, kiss

    5. I love greek yogurt too. I've just copied your recipe and will definitely try it out I've been making herbal smoothies all winter I'd love to give this recipe a go!
      Hugs Rosemary...xx

    6. You have done well to buy the yogurt maker!
      Hai fatto bene ad acquistare la yogurtiera!

    7. Very interesting system, I will present. Happy Sunday and a good beginning of the week

    8. So neat! I'm a yogurt lover and am not happy with ones I can find in the US. First of all, most of them have sugar mixed in. This tutorial is so cool, thanks for sharing!

    9. I make cheese (like cottage cheese or mascarpone). First make the milk "sour", then heat up a little, so the thick stuff comes up to the top, drain on a cheese cloth and you have the best home made cheese for breakfast or a snack with fruit.

    10. I haven't made homemade yogurt for ages! I think I have to take it up again! Sometimes I make fresh cheese - kind of curd. I might post that sometime. Thanks for following my blog! I am happy that we discovered each other - a Bavarian living in the US and a Swiss living in Switzerland! Bye for now! Christa

    11. hallo liebe heidi,
      dein yoghurt und deine beschreibung machen lust auf mehr..... sollte ich mal versuchen!
      ganz liebe grüsse - bis bald

    12. I just love plain yogurt, especially when it’s cold out from the fridge. It’s so nutritious and ready for any additional flavors. There are plenty of them. Are you gonna sell it or give them to everybody for free? I want to taste your own version of it. =)

      Joseph Carr

    13. Thanks, Heidi, for your friendly comment on my yesterday's post. I hope you are fine and that you are having a wonderful, spring-like weekend! Christa

    14. mmmm delish! We used to make home made yogurt back in India but I've never tried it really. I should :)

    15. you are inspiring! Thanks SO much for your warm presence ;-]

      Aloha from Honolulu
      Comfort Spiral

      >< } } ( ° >

    16. I am glad to follow your blog.You have a wonderful blog :)

    17. Hi - paying you a visit, too. I have made yogurt at times, but tell me, are you able to get yours really thick like the greek kind? And if so, how?


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